Hello! I am a Bolivian student living in Berlin-Germany studying what I love in the country I always wanted to live in! I am currently studying a Master’s degree in Business Informatics at the Technische Universität Berlin.
Besides my studies I am working at Siemens Energy focusing on RPA and Process Optimisation increasing my passion for Process Management and the optimisation and improvement of Business Processes!
Co-Founder TCA La Paz
The first student run consultancy in Bolivia
Working Student at Adesso SE
Process Mining Consulting – Berlin
Internship at KPMG
CIO Advisotry – Digital transformation Frakfurt am Main
Working Student at Siemens Energy AG
Berlin (Actual Position)
Working Student at Tjfbg gGmbH
Berlin (2018-2021)
Coordinador Regional para Voluntarios en Berlin – Bolivianiches Kinder Hilfswerk (BKHW) e.V.
Stuttgart/Berlin (2018-2021)
Junior Web Developer – TH Wildau
Wildau (2018)
Business Process Management Skills & others
- BPMN 2.0
Programming Languages & Software Skills
- vba
- wordpress
- SAP business One
- sap scripting
- sap ABAP
I want to increase my experience besides my studies in order to focus to my passion RPA and BPM! and even more new technologies! Do you want to hire a passionate Student with some Experiences behind him self and automate your business processes?
About my studies
Business Informatics
Business Informatics
Basically it is the computer science applied to business that comes from the discipline created in Germany «Wirtschaftsinformatik». It is the combination of computer science or information technology with administrative concepts. This discipline is of great importance and usefulness since the Entrepreneur of today must have knowledge about the wide range of computer topics that companies apply according to their requirements. Every company, regardless of its size and/or line of business, carries out operative and administrative processes to be able to function, since a process is a lot of information. An information system allows us to manage this information automatically and it is from this that derive in other types of executive information applications that facilitate the management of a company, decision making and the flow of information inside and outside the company.
In summary, this Business Informatics Area is presented as an independent, integrative and interdisciplinary field, which is based on the pillars of business administration and computer science.
If you want to know more you can visit this article
Areas of Business Informatics
- Strategic IT Management, que nos ayuda a planificar un IT Alignment direccionado a cualquier tipo de empresa para poder manejar distintos tipos de tecnología en una empresa.
- IT project management, manejo de proyectos para desarrollo de software para empresas (Outsourcing, Insoursing o Shoring) las estrategias más conocidas son las estrategias Ágiles como por ejemplo SCRUM.
- Business process Management (BPM), que crea, analiza y optimiza procesos empresariales en términos de IT.
- Data warehouse y Datamining, para hacer frente a problemas de negocio como por ejemplo identificar datos relevantes de compras, clientes de masivas cantidades de datos. Así poder predecir y estudiar negocios.
- Operations Research ( Sistema de toma de decisiones con modelos matemáticos complejos ligados a problemas de un experto en “Business Informatics”.
- Decision support systems / data warehousing / business intelligence and Big Data, que es esencial en compañías o startUps Tech.
- IT Risk Management, un Área focalizado en la toma de decisiones para estar preparados al cambio “Change Management” focalizado en Sistemas de Management.
- y por supuesto Software Development o Programación en el ámbito de Cloud development, Automatization, Desktop applications, Web Development e infinidad de especializaciones que uno puede tener en esta rama.
My Approach
Today to have a Web presence, to be able to reflect the business processes directed to the customer in order to be efficient and effective is not only necessary to have a website, but to have a solid foundation of an IT structure at a strategic level. Having a IT Consultancy helps you to focus on your core business processes and give way to automations! That’s why I ‘m on my way to become an IT consultant focusing on RPA (Robot Process Automation) and Business Process Management.